Almost everyone has dark thoughts when their mood is bad. With depression, though, the thoughts can be extremely negative. They can also take over and distort your view of reality. But rehab has solution and antidote to depression which is cognitive therapy.
Cognitive therapy can be an effective way to defuse those thoughts. When used for depression, cognitive therapy provides a mental tool kit that can be used to challenge negative thoughts. Over the long term, therapist at Rehab in Los Angeles suggested that cognitive therapy for depression can change the way a depressed person sees the world.
Studies have shown that cognitive therapy works at least as well as antidepressants in helping people with mild to moderate depression. Treatment with medication and/or psychotherapy can shorten depression's course and can help reduce symptoms such as fatigue and poor self-esteem that accompany depression. Read on to see how cognitive therapy or talk therapy might help you start thinking and feeling better if you are depressed.
According to cognitive therapists, depression is maintained by constant negative thoughts. These thoughts are known as automatic thoughts. That means they occur without a conscious effort. For example, a depressed person might have automatic thoughts like these:
"I always fail at everything."
"I'm the world's worst mother."
"I am doomed to be unhappy."
Cognitive therapy posits that most problems have several parts. Those parts include:
the problem as the person sees it
the person's thoughts about the problem
the person's emotions surrounding the problem
the person's physical feelings at the time
the person's actions before, during, and after the problem occurs
The way cognitive therapy works is a patient learns to "disassemble" problems into these various parts. Once a person does that, problems that seemed overwhelming become manageable.
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