Why do we need Rehabs in our Society?

Rehabilitations or Rehabs is the names of help and support for get back or improve the abilities of people who were lost or weak because of trauma, chronic disease, surgery, severe type of infections, development changes, treatment of disease such as cancer, genetic disorder, age or because of any reason, it is not necessary that what is the reason behind disability of a person Rehab will try or support a person to overcome his or her disability for a good and healthy life.

Rehab in Los Angeles prevent or at least able minimize the impact of health conditions from the chronic disease on a person. But it does not mean People with chronic disease or bad health conditions need rehabs only it is for anyone who needs it or we can say that it is for everyone because everyone have a point in life when it needs rehabilitation. The human body keeps changing with the age, time, and environment, and with this change and time functioning of the body will definitely be affected or become weaker after 20 years we will not be able to walk or speak in a way as we walk or speak today at that point we need someone for help or support to get back our abilities and rehabs are the most effective and inexpensive place for it.

According to World Health Organization 2.4 billion human beings are living a healthy life because of Rehab centers. As the life expectancy rate is increasing from 60 years to more societies need more rehabs for make their people full of abilities with good health conditions at such an old. 

Another reason for the need for rehabs is the environment of our earth which is keep changing and as a result each and every human being effect form these changes such as natural hazards and outbreaks which is currently going on is definitely make living beings depressed or other types of psychological disorders to cure these disorders rehabs are the place to make people happy and stay motivated.    

 The establishment of Rehabs will boost to achieve one of SDGs Goal 3:  “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. The main objective of this goal is to increase the life expectancy rate by decreasing the common causes of death at all ages. As health is the fundamental right of every human being at every age and rehab is the place for anyone who wants help and support at any stage of life. 

Click for Scholarly Research Article on SDG 3:



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