Alcoholism is the disease that what doctors call it when you can’t control how much you drink and have trouble with your emotions when you’re not drinking. Some people may think the only way to deal with it is with willpower, as if it’s a problem they have to work through all on their own.


Alcohol Rehabilitation are aimed at changing drinking behavior or eradicate alcoholism symptoms through counseling. They are led by health professionals and supported by studies showing they can be beneficial.

Three medications are currently approved by the doctors to help people stop or reduce their drinking and prevent alcoholism symptom. They are prescribed by a primary care physician or other health professional and may be used alone or in combination with counseling.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-step programs provide peer support for people quitting or cutting back on their drinking. Combined with treatment led by health professionals, mutual-support groups can offer a valuable added layer of support.

Due to the anonymous nature of mutual-support groups, it is difficult for researchers to determine their success rates compared with those led by health professionals.

Some are surprised to learn that there are medications on the market approved to treat alcohol dependence. The newer types of these medications work by offsetting changes in the brain caused by alcoholism.

All approved medications are non-addictive and can be used alone or in combination with other forms of treatment. Learn more about these approved treatments.

Also known as alcohol counseling, behavioral treatments involve working with a health professional to identify and help change the behaviors that lead to heavy drinking. Behavioral treatments share certain features, which can include:

  • Developing the skills needed to stop or reduce drinking

  • Helping to build a strong social support system

  • Working to set reachable goals

  • Coping with or avoiding the triggers that might cause relapse

Motivational Enhancement Therapy is conducted over a short period of time to build and strengthen motivation to change drinking behavior. The therapy focuses on identifying the pros and cons of seeking treatment, forming a plan for making changes in one’s drinking, building confidence, and developing the skills needed to stick to the plan.


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